About Membership

  • 40 films each year
  • A choice of three nights each week to attend one of Three screenings of the film (Monday at 6pm, Wednesday at 4pm , Thursday at 6pm)
  • Modern cinema with state of the art digital screening technology
  • Receiving a copy of Newsreel with news and reviews of each film for the term
  • Attending a film voting function at the end of Term Two and Term Four
  • Concession priced tickets at Village Cinema screenings
  • Discussing films with other members on the website

Screenings are in 4 terms, similar to the school terms. This is because we are unable to use to use the cinema during school holidays - it's also a chance for the hardworking volunteers who run the society to have a break!

We have membership open all year.To view the price in the term you join go to Membership-Purchase Membership Here. All memberships expire at the end of each calendar year.

Conditions of Membership

The Launceston Film Society is a “Members Only” society.

Our screening license requires that admission to screenings is for members only. Your membership cannot be used by any other person, even if you will not be attending the film.

Membership QR Code Will Be Scanned

In securing your membership, you will have loaded the Cardskipper app on your phone. This contains your specific QR code and you will be required to open this as you enter the cinema. It will be scanned by our device.Scanning provides the committee with information about attendance at screenings.Each membership is valid for use by the member for one screening per week. If you do not have your phone, a committee member will be there to assist. If you are a paid up member you will be admitted to see the movie, but please understand that you may be delayed entry while other members are admitted.

Seating Is Not Guaranteed at LFS Screenings

The Launceston Film Society proudly boasts a membership of approximately 1,150 members. The largest cinema at the Village complex holds around 290 people, providing a maximum capacity of 1200 seats per week over four sessions. A seat cannot be guaranteed at any of our screenings, however it is very rare that members cannot all be seated.

Respecting Village Cinema Admittance Requirements

LFS members who arrive after the film has started must be seated. Please do not sit or stand at the back wall as this is a fire safety issue. Village conditions of food and beverages apply whilst you are attending LFS screenings.

Reserved Seats in the Back Row

Please observe the “Reserved Seats” signs. These are for the committee members who are in the foyer. Seats are also reserved for members with special needs. If you have a special need, please make yourself known to a committee member. A committee member will remove the signs at the start of the film.

Censorship Classifications

The censorship classification of each of the films screened is given in Newsreel and consumer guidance (e.g. violence, or explicit sexual scenes). Films classified as R and MA 15+ and MA are often selected, and persons under the appropriate age limit will not be admitted. Members are encouraged to check consumer warnings given for each film for individual suitability.

**Inability to Screen

It is the intention of Launceston Film Society to screen 40 films each year. Payment of your membership fees entitles you to ordinary membership of the Launceston Film Society which confers upon you a number of benefits including the potential opportunity to view up to 40 films per year (subject to seating availability and screening restrictions). The LFS Committee reserves the right to provide any refunds. Please note that membership fees are payable in advance and are non-refundable.  Pro-rata refunds for membership fees are not available. Where the ability to screen films is impaired for an extended period (greater than 1 month) due to unforeseen circumstances, discounts may be offered in respect of the renewal membership fees in the following year at the discretion of the Committee.

Change of Personal Details

To register your change of email address,or postal address, please go to your Cardskipper app, and to Update personal details.

Transferring Your Membership

Memberships cannot be transferred. 

Members  Movie Requests

Members are welcome to email suggestions for films; please note that we are aware of films that are reviewed in the press and on TV. It is the films that slip beneath the radar that we are most happy to learn about. Please check that we have not already screened the film by using the search function on the website to check back copies of Newsreel.