Date Showing Showing On 17, 19, 20 March
Time Showing Monday 6:00pm, Wednesday 4:00pm and 6:30pm, Thursday 6:00pm


M 1hrs 35mins
documentary | 2024, Australia | English

Bondi Icebergs is the most photographed pool in the world. This is where generations of children have learnt to swim, where the diehard have braved the frigid waters of one hundred winters, where the young and beautiful have come to bond and bake in the hot sun. THE POOL is a stunning cinematic experience with a soundtrack that harks back to the 1960s and a cast of characters who each have a story to tell. It speaks to the enduring power of community and our collective longing to find it. 


Coarse language

Ian Darling
Original Review
Stephen A Russell, ScreenHub
Extracted By
Tania Harvey
Alex Aroney, Dnita Batcheler, Russell Cheek

Watch The Trailer

The Pool - Official Trailer

Storyline (warning: spoilers)

The Pool is Ian Darling's handsomely shot documentary – he spent a year filming in and around Sydney’s Icebergs Pool recording the daily churn of this beloved icon, interviewing those who work there as well as the many swimmers who frequent its crowded lanes, both regular and blow-ins.
Bondi Icebergs is the most photographed pool in the world. For nearly a century this spectacular 50 metre stretch of sparkling blue at the southern end of Bondi Beach has occupied a special corner in the hearts of millions. This is where generations of children have learnt to swim, where the diehard have braved the frigid waters of one hundred winters, where the young and beautiful have come to bond and bake in the hot sun, and where sightseers from around the world have taken refuge during the scorching heights of endless Australian summers.
Icebergs is at once a meeting place, a resting place, a workout place and a place of romance and ritual. We come to understand that for those who seek it out, and return, it is a symbol of inclusivity, healing and resilience.
The Pool is a stunning cinematic experience with a soundtrack that harks back to the 1960s and a cast of characters who each have a story to tell; breezy, heart-warming, funny and poignant. It speaks to the enduring power of community and our collective longing to find it, whoever we are and wherever we come from. No matter your background or where you're at - everyone is equal in their swimsuits.

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