All members are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society on Monday 22rd February.
The meeting will be conducted before the screening, and is expected to be brief. Any members not wishing to see the screening that night will be able to leave after the meeting, and may return to view the film at another screening that week.
Minutes from the 2020 AGM are available for viewing on our website The audited Financial Report will be available on the website from approximately one week prior to the meeting.
Seven members of the current committee are nominating for re-election, but as all positions are declared vacant, any member may also stand for election. If you are considering nominating please speak to one of the present committee.
A nomination form can be downloaded below, and must be lodged in writing by Monday 8th February, 2021.
Download Nomination Form
Please bring your membership card to be scanned on arrival.
Apologies need to be signed in at the door. Apologies sent by email or post before the meeting will be added to the list.
AGM 2020 Financial Statements